martes, 17 de marzo de 2015


The attack on U.S. Ambassador Mark Lippert in the very heart of Seoul yesterday (March 5, 2015) once again reminds us of the distress caused by the territorial and social division on the Korean peninsula. Police will attempt to expose all the details surrounding the incident. Yet, it is obvious that ideological animosity fomented by 70 years of division has been raised to a new level, whether it was part of a conspiracy or the act of a lone representative of a radical group.
President Park Geun-hye's approval rating will not hit a real bottom as some of her
predecessors experienced. The biggest reason many people withdraw their support for the president is corruption of presidential family members or...
“Misaeng” (Incomplete Life), a recent television drama, had great social
repercussions as it dealt with issues concerning employment and new employees adapting themselves to corporate life. Most impressive...
Mr. L, who was my senior at university, belongs to the so-called 386 generation: he was
born in the early 1960s and went to university in the 1980s. As university students this generation spent more time on the street than in a le...
Which age group has the most viewers of “Ode to My Father,” a nostalgic melodrama
which is set to surpass 10 million in ticket sales soon? Data released by CGV has revealed interesting results: the admission ratios of viewers in...
People in both South and North Korea yearn for unification. Debates on possible economic gains from reunification are actively under way these days. It is believed that a reunified Korea would enjoy higher international ...
Most Koreans feel a lack of preparation for later life and children’s education are the two greatest obstacles to their economic happiness, according to Hyundai Research Institute’s latest survey. Among the respondents...
Wood engravings of the thousand-hand bodhisattva and Dharma; minute
engravings of aphorisms on a hexagonal stone tablet; restoration of the state seal and written seals of noble families from the Joseon Dynasty; and various callig...
Yeoyudang Jeong Yak-yong, Yeonam Pak Ji-won, Wandang Kim Jeong-hui, Damheon
Hong Dae-yong … These names and their preceding pen names are familiar to anyone who has spent his or her school years in Korea. Not everyone knows, however, that their...
“Look at my fingertips,” Dr. Kim Soon-kwon said. They were all black. “They
got this way from pollinating the corn with my own hands. At the very tip of the corn stalk are the tassels, the...

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