jueves, 30 de noviembre de 2017


Los invitamos al Seminario y Ronda de Negocios con empresas Chinas de la provincia de Hainan. Les dejamos a su disposición el listado de empresas que van a estar presentes ese día para que usted puede encontrar su contraparte. 
Fecha:  Lunes 04 de Diciembre

Horario: 09:30 hs.

Lugar:  Hotel Feirs Park, Esmeralda 1366 (Caba)

Entrada libre y gratuita, con inscripción previa.


Los Invitamos a participar de la Ronda de Negocios con empresas de la ciudad de Tianjin que se realizará en la sede de la Cámara el Martes 5 de Diciembre a las 15:30 hs. Les dejamos el listado de las empresas que estarán presentes ese día, para que usted pueda encontrar su contraparte.

Fecha: Martes 5 de Diciembre 

Horario:  15:00 hs 

Lugar:  Cámara de la Producción, la Industria y el Comercio Argentino China. (Viamonte 1145, piso 7° - CABA)

Entrada libre y gratuita, con inscripción previa.

Les recordamos que los 2 eventos son gratuitos pero con inscripción obligatoria de todas las personas que desean participar, pueden hacerlo haciendo click en el botón del evento de su interés.
Ante dudas o consultas enviar un mail a
argenchina@ciudad.com.ar o telefónicamente al 4372-6133

Check Out These Upcoming Meditation Courses!

Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness: Finding Peace in Every Moment (Dec 1-28)

Research shows that we spend, on average, 48% of our time in distracted thinking, and that these thoughts are often detrimental to our wellbeing and happiness. In many cases, compulsive thoughts create out-of-control states of depression or stress.
Stress Reduction Through Mindfulness is a 28-day online meditation event — a practical guide showing how the power of mindfulness can reduce stress in your life and offer you access to peace in every moment. You'll learn how to relate more healthily to stressful situations, how to avoid "catastrophizing," and how to become more emotionally resilient.
This event is suitable for people of all levels of experience, including complete beginners.

 Heart Wide Open: The Art and Science of Cultivating Compassion (Dec 1-28)

A growing body of evidence indicates that we are biologically equipped to relate compassionately, and that tapping into our compassionate potential has significant benefits. Research shows that connecting with others in a meaningful way helps us enjoy better mental and physical health and speeds up recovery from disease. Having compassion for others, rather than being depressing, is associated with greater happiness and positivity, and having compassion for ourselves leads to greater emotional resilience.
In this 28-day meditation event we'll explore how to develop compassion through meditation as well as through practicing it in our daily lives.
This event is suitable for people of all levels of experience, including complete beginners.

 Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery (MBAR): A Mindfulness Approach For Working With Addictions (Jan 1-28)

Mindfulness Based Addiction Recovery MBAR is a secular mindfulness-based approach to promoting recovery from addiction and understanding relapse. Originally called mindfulness-based relapse prevention (MBRP), we decided to focus on building Recovery Capital, which is internal and external resources that can promote harm reduction, abstinence and sobriety of mind.
MBAR is a secular Mindfulness Course for anyone who has behaviour that is substance related or not, that brings temporary pleasure or relief. Or where one craves, acts out of the craving, and is unable to stop despite negative consequences. This course is also for professionals working in the field of addiction, and who would like to understand addiction through the Mindfulness lens, and may want to go onto do MBAR, the train the trainer course that is delivered internationally.

Letting the Breathing Observe You in Meditation

I'd like to suggest a very different way of meditating.
Normally in meditation we think about observing the breathing. Actually a lot of people think about and practice observing the breath — air flowing in and out of the body's airways — but I point out that it's far more useful to observe the breathing, which is a much richer experience. When we're observing the breathing we're potentially observing the entire body, and how it participates in and responds to the process of air flowing in and out of our passageways.
In taking this approach of observing the breathing it's useful first of all to relax the muscles around the yes. This brings about a change in the way we observe internally, so that we can be aware simultaneously of a wide range of sensation in different parts of the body. With the muscles around the eyes in their default, activated state, we can only observe one small part of the body. I've described this elsewhere as being like switching from a flashlight, which can only illuminate a small area, to a lamp, which sheds light in all directions.
Once you've become aware of sensations from all over the body, it's possible to simply rest there, with thoughts still arising but no longer capturing your attention. Less effort is required, and so there's less of a sense that you're doing anything in meditation. Your meditation practice is just there.
You can let go even further, though, by allowing yourself to sense that you are being observed by the breathing just as much as you are observing it. You can be aware of the body as a living, breathing, animal presence — a presence that has its own intelligence and awareness.
Allow yourself to be seen. Perhaps at first it may be a little uncomfortable to do this. After all, being observed can be uncomfortable. But think of this observation not so much as visual and more as felt, as sensory. And think of your body as a warm, loving presence that enfolds you intimately in its embrace.
This gives us an opportunity to surrender even further, and to sense our meditation practice from a place of deeper receptivity. There's now nothing to do. We don't even have to be present for the body, since the body is always present for us. When we come back to mindful awareness after a period of distraction we find that the body is still there, sensing us, and we can realize that it's never stopped doing that.
This may sound fanciful, or even absurd. I just suggest that you give it a go, and see what happens. It may change your meditation practice, and perhaps even your life.

miércoles, 29 de noviembre de 2017

Lunes 4 de diciembre, 9.30 horas
Estrategias de Relacionamiento con China VI
Seminario organizado por el Comité de Asuntos Asiáticos del CARI

9.30 horas
Palabras de apertura
Eduardo Sadous   Director del Comité de Asuntos Asiáticos

9.40 horas
PANEL I: Situación local y regional en 2017

El liderazgo de Xi Jinping luego del XIX Congreso Nacional del PCCh
Jorge Malena   

Un OBOR, muchos OBOR: ¿hacia una nueva generación de proyectos de conectividad Asia-Europa-África?
Carlos J. Moneta   

El ecosistema digital de China
Alejandro Razzoti   

La "Política hacia el Sur" de Taiwán
Nadia Radulovich   

10.40 horas
Sesión de preguntas

10.55 horas

11.15 horas
PANEL II: Análisis de aspectos de la relación bilateral

Posibilidades de cooperación a nivel subnacional con China
Miguel Velloso   

El avance de China en la globalización financiera
Julio Sevares   

La Región Autónoma de Xinjiang: diversificación y nichos de mercado. Posibilidades para la Argentina
Carola Ramón Berjano   

12.00 horas
Sesión de preguntas

12.15 horas
Palabras de cierre
Miguel Velloso   Coordinador del Grupo de Trabajo sobre China

Moderador de los paneles:
Guillermo Santa Cruz   

CARI / Uruguay 1037, piso 1°, C1016ACA Buenos Aires, Argentina / Teléfono (0054) 11-4811-0071 al 74 / Fax (0054) 11-4815-4742

Wednesday, November 29, 2017

Latest ICBM from North Korea Puts Entire Continental U.S. In Range

Shizuo Kambayashi/ AP

North Korea has once again launched a missile capable of striking the United States — this time, demonstrating the ability to reach as far as Washington, D.C. and the rest of the east coast.
  • U.S. Secretary of Defense James Mattis said the test showed North Korea has the capability to strike "everywhere in the world basically."
  • North Korean state-run TV (KCNA) announced that the successful test was of a new Hwasong-15 missile, with "much greater advantages in its tactical and technological specifications" than the Hwasong-14 ICBM, which was tested last in July. Full KCNA statement here.
  • North Korea watcher David Wright, of the Union of Concerned Scientists, estimated the missile's range at 13,000 km (North Korea to D.C. is less than 11,000 km) but noted, "it seems likely that it carried a very light mock warhead. If true, that means it would be incapable of carrying a nuclear warhead to this long distance."
  • Experts have told The Cipher Brief that there are likely technological hurdles left before North Korea is able to effectively strike the U.S. with a nuclear ICBM — including miniaturization, re-entry, and accuracy — but with the Kim regime's current rate of progress, it may not be long before these hurdles are overcome.
How can the international community reach a diplomatic solution with North Korea?

Ambassador Joseph DeTrani,
former U.S. Special Envoy for Six-Party Talks with North Korea, offers his thoughts:
  • Look to the recent East Asia Summit: "The consensus at the meeting was that more must be done to peacefully resolve the nuclear issue with North Korea – though China and the U.S. each pointed to the other as holding the key to initiating those talks."
  • China should encourage North Korea to enter 'exploratory talks' with the U.S.: "These talks would permit North Korea to discuss their security concerns and related demands. U.S. concerns and demands could also be brought up. If the talks are productive, then official negotiations...could commence."
  • Convince Kim Jong-un that denuclearizing is a better option: "Providing security assurances, a peace treaty and a more normal relationship with the U.S. may convince Kim Jung-un that denuclearization is better than an isolated and heavily sanctioned North Korea."
Read Ambassador DeTrani's column, "Stop Firing Missiles and Start Talking."

We also interviewed DeTrani on today's TCB Daily Podcast. Website / iTunes

In Defense of Tapping the Internet to Keep You Safe

In one month, the authorities provided under Section 702 of the Foreign Intelligence and Surveillance Act (FISA) are due to expire unless reauthorized by Congress.

Lawmakers are expected to renew FISA, but may put another expiration deadline on the bill, and also add limitations to how the government is allowed to use the information it collects under these authorities.

Former government officials at The Cipher Brief's Cyber Advisory Board meeting on Tuesday said that the intelligence collection enabled by the authorities under FISA 702 has been determined to be one of the most productive sources of intelligence ever afforded to the National Security Agency.
  • Michael Hayden, former Director of NSA and CIA: “702 is still the most successful SIGINT [signals intelligence] in the history of the National Security Agency. We have had no program that has produced as much intelligence as this program."
  • Matt Olsen, former general counsel at NSA: "Section 702 has been such a valuable and effective authority for foreign intelligence collection [because] so much of the world’s communications infrastructure is in the United States."
Read the full brief, with more conclusions from yesterday's TCB Cyber Advisory Board meeting.


Have any feedback? Please Email us at info@thecipherbrief.com

Copyright © 2017 The Cipher, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
The Cipher

LA PAZ ESTÁ ARDIENDO" Retiro de invierno



El fin de año es un momento para recapacitar sobre nuestras vidas. Pasar esta época del año en retiro nos permite profundizar en nosotros mismos y reflexionar sobre lo que valoramos en la vida. Es una oportunidad de transformar aquellos hábitos que ya no nos sirven, y cultivar cualidades que nos ennoblecen y que nos traen paz. Con un programa equilibrado de meditación, presentaciones,  rituales y grupos de compartir vamos a explorar el tema de la transformación interior a través de enseñanzas budistas tradicionales y revolucionarias.



Sábado, 16 de diciembre, de 11 a 13,30h.
Taller Práctico de Cocina "Menú de Delicatessen Navideñas Vegetariana"
Si quieres sorprender en estás fiestas con un menú vegetariano, sano, equilibrado y sobre todo original, apúntate ya a nuestro taller.
Ven con delantal, cocinamos entre tod@s.
Degustación y recetario: 30€
  • Paté de Tomates Secos con Avellanas al aroma de Albahaca
  • Paté de Setas con Algas kombu y Pistachos
  • Crema de Calabaza con Salsa de Frambuesas y Cebollino
  • Pimientos del Piquillo rellenos de verduritas al horno
  • Hamburguesitas de Quinoa y  de Avena acompañada de Salsa casera Tartara
  • Corazones de Naranja y Canela
Buen provecho!

Domingo, 17 de diciembre
Concierto "In Process" y Gran Subasta de Talentos
Recaudando fondos para Suryavana

A las 11h.: Concierto "In Process" 
Dirigido por: Ester Argilés (desde Valencia, voz y ukelele) y Ednaldo Santos (desde Brazil, percusión)

A las 12,30h.: "Gran Subasta de Talentos" 
Es ya una tradición en estas fechas, organizar en el Centro Budista una Subasta de Talentos. Si tienes algún talento para donar (una comida para dos personas, la estancia de un fin de semana en una casa rural, una terapia, un taller, un paseo por la montaña... También te invitamos a participar en la puja de los talentos. Será divertido y emocionante conseguir alguno de los talentos a precios muy interesantes. Anímate y esperamos.
Los beneficios de las dos actividades, serán utilizados para la realización de la sala de meditación en Suryavana.

Centro Budista Triratna de Valencia, Calle de Sagunto 97 bajo, 46009 Valencia. Tel: 96 348 0892. budismo-valencia.com

Corea del Norte confirma que 

su nuevo misil puede alcanzar 

cualquier punto de EE.UU.

Corea del Norte confirma que su nuevo misil puede alcanzar cualquier punto de EE.UU.
Surcoreanos ven un reportaje televisivo en vivo que muestra el anuncio especial de Corea del Norte de que ha probado con éxito un misil balístico intercontinental (Kim Hee-chul / EFE)

La televisión de Corea del Norte anunció hoy que el último proyectil lanzado por Pyongyang es un nuevo modelo de misil balístico intercontinental (ICBM), 
bautizado Hwasong-15, capaz de portar una cabeza nuclear de gran tamaño y 
alcanzar “todo el territorio de Estados Unidos”.
Tal y como acostumbra a hacer el régimen, la veterana presentadora 
Ri Chung-hee anunció en tono solemne el “exitoso” lanzamiento, que
 “autorizó y presenció personalmente el líder” Kim Jong Un, y que es el primero de Pyongyang tras dos meses y medio sin realizar ningún ensayo armamentístico.
El Hwasong-15 alcanzó ayer la mayor altura jamas registrada por un misil norcoreanoEn un boletín especial emitido tres horas de que empezara la programación habitual de la televisión estatal, Ri detalló que el misil voló 950 kilómetros y alcanzó un apogeo de 4.475 kilómetros, datos que están en sintonía con los que manejan Seúl, Washington y Tokio.

Estos datos indican que se trataría de la mayor altura alcanzada hasta la fecha por un proyectil norcoreano, lo que implica un nuevo y peligroso avance en el programa de armas del régimen de Pyongyang.

Los militares surcoreanos realizan un ejercicio combinado de fuego real en respuesta al lanzamiento por parte de Corea del Norte de un presunto misil balístico intercontinental más temprano en el día
Los militares surcoreanos realizan un ejercicio combinado de fuego real en respuesta al lanzamiento por parte de Corea del Norte de un presunto misil balístico intercontinental más temprano en el día (South Korea Defense Ministry / / EFE)
Teniendo en cuenta que el misil fue lanzado con un ángulo muy abierto, algunos expertos creen que el proyectil podría haber recorrido en un vuelo normal más de 13.000 kilómetros, suficiente para alcanzar Washington o cualquier parte continental de EE.UU..
La presentadora aseguró también durante la emisión, en la que no se mostraron imágenes del lanzamiento, que el Hwasong-15 (en coreano “Marte-15”) “es un misil balístico intercontinental con una ojiva pesada supergrande” y que con este último ensayo el país “ha hecho realidad la gran causa histórica de completar una fuerza nuclear estatal”.
Corea del Norte sigue poniendo a prueba la paciencia de sus vecinos del sur
El misil, disparado desde un punto a unos 25 kilómetros al norte de la capital norcoreana, voló en dirección este antes de caer en aguas del Mar de Japón (llamado “Mar del Este” en las dos Coreas), a unos 250 kilómetros de la costa de la prefectura nipona de Aomori (norte del país).
Estas aguas pertenecen a la zona económica especial (EEZ) de Japón, un espacio que se extiende a unos 370 kilómetros desde su litoral.